Playground Build in Brooklyn, NY

Posted by on August 13, 2012 in News

Playground Build in Brooklyn, NY

Alexandra’s Playground has partnered with KaBOOM! to build a much-needed playground in Brooklyn, NYC this fall. The playground build, which will take place on November 3, will benefit thousands of children and their families at the Spring Creek Towers in East New York, Brooklyn, NY.

200 volunteers will come together early on November 3 and assemble the plagyround in just 6 hours! There will be tasks for everyone of all ages.

We are also looking for teams to participate in the actual plagyround build on November 3 and help to raise funds that will go directly to helping us support this playground build. Teams should include up to 5 people each. Gather your colleagues, friends, family members, church groups and raise $2500 to donate to help fund this playground. All donations are tax deductible.

Spaces for teams are limited. Please reserve your space today:

Please contact us if you would like to help us fundraise for this playground in any other way or just build awareness about it.